How doing nothing will get you everything.

Doing Nothing Will Get You Everything

How letting go changed my world


Have you ever wanted something so badly and pushed so hard to get it that it left you feeling exhausted? When all else fails, remember that the most effective thing we can do is nothing. You may be thinking, “what the hell is she talking about?” Well, I used to think the same thing until recently. If you have ever felt stuck or held onto to something way too tightly, read on.

I am the epitome of a go-getter. I push and push until I get what I want. Yes, that can be a good thing, but I found that these successes were often short-lived. I’ve wished, prayed, and visualized. Through this, I’ve found that when I am in full manifestation mode, things often backfire, or I feel a sense of being stuck. Stuck is not a feeling this feisty Sagittarius likes. In the past when I’ve felt this way, my first response has always been to push harder.

  • Need more money? Push harder.

  • Want some more peace? Push harder.

  • Want that job? Push harder.

  • Feel stuck? Push harder.

While it’s not for everybody, pushing has always been my knee jerk reaction. When I am backed into a corner, I am hard-wired to fight my way out. The unfortunate thing is that all this pushing and fighting comes at a hefty price. It uses a lot of energy and doesn’t get anyone too far. So, what’s a girl to do? 


I have learned the hard way that doing nothing is the absolute best remedy. By doing nothing I am not suggesting giving up. No way!  Instead, I am suggesting giving in. There is a vast difference between the two:

Giving up is throwing in the towel and believing there is no way out.

Giving in means having faith and handing our needs over to a higher power (God, Universe, Life).

As easy as this sounds, giving in was not in my vocabulary. So, I had to relearn some fundamental things. One was to stop grasping for everything I want. Two I had to learn to relax and relinquish power. Ouch! It had to be done because holding on too tightly just prohibited the good stuff from coming in.

According to Merriam-Webster's dictionary, the definition of grasping is:

"desiring material possessions urgently and excessively and often to the point of ruthlessness.”

This is NOT at all what I was going for.

The simplest way I can explain this is to think of a tightly closed fist.  A fist cannot shake a hand, wave or hold anything.  Its energy is closed and unwelcoming and it actual wards off the good stuff. An open hand, on the other hand (pun intended) is just that – open. It can shake, high-five, wave and hold anything we desire. Its energy is welcoming.

It was time to put my theory to the test.

Recently I had a bunch of things on my “most wanted” list. So much so, that I was feeling really “off”. My back was in pain, I was tired, and I just felt stuck in a rut. While I knew better, I have weak moments like anyone else.

So, I challenged myself to let it go for a day. I envisioned handing it all over to the Universe- the problems, the aspirations and the unknown.  I decided to start my day with a quick yoga practice and a short meditation with letting go as my only intention.  From the moment I made this decision, I could feel the difference. My energy lifted and my back loosened up. I was lighter in every way and I felt great. It’s amazing how a little shift in perception can make a world of difference.

I did it! For 24 hours, I let go and it felt great. I continued that each day and I actually started to see things open up. All the things I “wanted” into submission came flowing in. What I hoped for was there all the while, just waiting for that open hand.

The moral of my “do nothing” story, is that we all have aspirations and wants but letting them take away our peace defeats the purpose. So feel free to set your intentions and goals but then hand them over and allow the good stuff to flow.

 “The day I understood everything, was the day I stopped trying to figure everything out. The day I knew peace was the day I let everything go.” – C. JoyBell C.

Happy letting go!

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